Delivery usually takes 13 to 18 business days, depending on your location and shipping method.
No, there are no additional fees or taxes. The total price at checkout is what you’ll pay.
Yes, you’ll receive a tracking number via email once your order ships so you can follow its journey.
Contact us as soon as possible. We’ll do our best to update your order details before shipping.
We offer a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy, you can return the item for a refund.
Please contact us with photos of the damage. We’ll arrange for a replacement or a full refund.
Yes, as long as the item is returned in its original condition within our 14-day policy.
Contact us immediately. We’ll assist you in arranging a return or exchange for the correct product.
We accept major credit cards for secure and convenient transactions.
Yes, we have a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied, you can return the item for a refund.
No, there are no additional customs fees or taxes. The checkout price covers everything.
Reach out through our Contact page or email us at hello@the-dancing-cactus.com. We’re here to help !
Contact us as soon as possible. If the order hasn’t shipped yet, we’ll do our best to make the change or cancel it.
If your package is significantly delayed or lost, please reach out to us. We’ll work with our shipping partners to resolve the issue.
At this time, we do not offer gift-wrapping. However, our products are packaged securely and ready for gifting.